META name="y_key" content="aa5e46f955af38ff"> The LEAD Ladies...: LEAD is a CAUSAL FACTOR in the DEVELOPMENT of PARKINSON'S DISEASE

Monday, August 23, 2010


The likelihood of developing Parkinson’s disease is more than twice as high in individuals who experience prolonged exposure to lead. Parkinsonism is a chronic degenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system and is characterized by tremors, muscle rigidity, and impaired motor skills. Presently, there is no cure for the disease and treatment aims at lessening the symptoms.

While the precise mechanism in which lead causes Parkinson’s disease has still not been agreed upon, there is no doubt – lead plays a causal role in the development of this disease.

Since lead has a similar structure to iron, our bodies are unable to tell the difference between the two and lead can easily replace iron in enzymatic reactions. While lead can mimic iron and enter enzymatic reactions, it is unable to perform the functions that iron does; it is an ineffective enzyme partner. Due to the fact that iron is an essential element in the making of L-dopa, the precursor to the neurotransmitters dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline, this inefficiency causes a drop in the amount of L-dopa. Lead also replaces calcium in the body (see previous blog) and reduces the amount of oxygen transported to the brain. Hemoglobin is required to transport oxygen. Oxygen too is an important element in the production of L-dopa.

Consequently, it is believed that lead causes Parkinson’s disease by reducing the amount of oxygen available to the brain.

Joanna Cerazy, Co-author
LEAD BABIES How heavy metals are causing our children's autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, low IQ and behavior problems.

1 comment:

  1. we are all aware that Parkinson's is a painful and many people have it and suffer the time, but we are confident that soon the specialists find an effective cure ...
